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Municipal Services

ACR Municipal Services

Atlantic Coast Recycling can service all municipal single-stream and dual-stream residential curbside recycling collection programs. Our state-of-the-art facility produces high-quality finished recyclable materials that command a premium in the market. ACR works with municipalities and private haulers to provide them with convenient, beneficial, and lucrative service.
Single-Stream recycling is a collection system that mixes all recyclables together in one bin. ACR uses sophisticated processing equipment, including an array of optical scanners, to separate different grades of paper and cardboard, as well as multiple grades of plastic, aluminum and ferrous material.
Dual-Stream recycling is a collection system that separates curbside recyclables so that glass, plastic and metal containers are collected in one bin and cardboard, news and other paper grades are collected in a separate bin, often at different times.
Commingled is the common name used for the glass bottles, steel cans, aluminum and plastic containers that are collected in dual-stream recycling.

Benefits We Offer

  • Two scales and easy access for reduced drop-off and turn-around times
  • Operational and technological excellence to service all recycling needs
  • Advanced technology, tracking, and monitoring to ensure transparent communication